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Number and digit 6
"Determining the order of numbers in the range 1-10 Quantity ratio to number"
Number - quantity association 1
"Determining the order of numbers in the range 1-10 Quantity ratio to number"
Number - quantity association 2
"Determining the order of numbers in the range 1-10 Quantity ratio to number"
Number - quantity association 3
Number - quantity association 3
Number - quantity association 4
"Determining the order of numbers in the range 1-10 Quantity ratio to number"
Calculations 0-10 - sheet 1
"Operations with natural numbers between 0-10 Use of terminology specific to mathematical operations"
Calculations 0-10 - sheet 2
"Operations with natural numbers between 0-10 Use of terminology specific to mathematical operations"
Test vocabular, partea 1
Unitatea 1 de la sectia maghiară