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Klassen 5-8 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Applying the order of operations (with parentheses)

Applying the order of operations (with parentheses)

Klassen 1-2 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Sorting words to obtain a logical message

Sorting words to obtain a logical message

Kinder im Vorschulalter Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Performing additions and subtractions without overstepping the order, in the 0-10 concentration

Performing additions and subtractions without overstepping the order, in the 0-10 concentration

Klassen 1-2 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Numbering in the 0-31 concentrate

Numbering in the 0-31 concentrate

Klassen 3-4 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Reading and understanding a text 7

Reading and understanding a text

Klassen 5-8 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Noticing the meaning of the words. Vocabulary items

Noticing the meaning of the words. Vocabulary items

Klassen 1-2 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Performing additions and subtractions with oversteer, in the 0-100 concentration

Performing additions and subtractions with oversteer, in the 0-100 concentration

Klassen 1-2 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Performing overrun subtraction in the 0-100 concentration 5

Performing overrun subtraction in the 0-100 concentration