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Klassen 3-4 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Reading and understanding a text 8

Reading and understanding a text

Klassen 1-2 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Identifying neighbours of natural numbers

Identifying neighbours of natural numbers

Klassen 3-4 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Forming answers to given questions

Forming answers to given questions

Klassen 1-2 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Forming questions and answers to questions

Forming questions and answers to questions

Klassen 3-4 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Working with the notions of left-right and object placement within an area

Working with the notions of left-right and object placement within an area

Klassen 1-2 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Fine motor skills activities

Fine motor skills activities

Klassen 1-2 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Coloring properly within the lines. Working with notions of Temporal orientation – the seasons.

Coloring properly within the lines. Working with notions of Temporal orientation – the seasons.

Klassen 1-2 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Working with notions of temporal orientation– The seasons.

Working with notions of temporal orientation– The seasons.