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Klassen 1-2 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Working with notions of temporal orientation – months, seasons.

Working with notions of temporal orientation – months, seasons.

Klassen 5-8 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Notions of spatial orientation

Identifying the functions of given locations

Klasse 0 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Notions of spatial orientation 2

Notions of spatial orientation - labyrinth

Klassen 3-4 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Creating graphic representations by following indications

Creating graphic representations by following indications - drawing

Klassen 1-2 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Fine motor skills activities 2

Fine motor skills activities - connecting dots

Klassen 1-2 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Working with notions of temporal orientation – the seasons 2

Working with notions of temporal orientation – the seasons, details of events

Klassen 3-4 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Working with notions of temporal orientation –seasons, months.

Working with notions of temporal orientation –seasons, months.

Klassen 5-8 Arbeitsblätter und Materialien

Working with notions of temporal orientation – days of the week, seasons etc.

Working with notions of temporal orientation – days of the week, seasons etc.