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Clasele 1-2 Fişe şi materiale de lucru

Mister "To Be"

Colour the right bubble "am", "are" or "is" to make correct sentences.

Clasele 3-4 Fişe şi materiale de lucru

Mister - To Be (2)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb "to be" and match the sentences to the pictures.

Preșcolari Fişe şi materiale de lucru

Number and digit 4

"Determining the order of numbers in the range 1-10 Quantity ratio to number"

Preșcolari Fişe şi materiale de lucru

Number and digit 5

"Determining the order of numbers in the range 1-10 Quantity ratio to number"

Preșcolari Fişe şi materiale de lucru

Number and digit 6

"Determining the order of numbers in the range 1-10 Quantity ratio to number"

Preșcolari Fişe şi materiale de lucru

Number - quantity association 1

"Determining the order of numbers in the range 1-10 Quantity ratio to number"

Preșcolari Fişe şi materiale de lucru

Number - quantity association 2

"Determining the order of numbers in the range 1-10 Quantity ratio to number"

Preșcolari Fişe şi materiale de lucru

Number - quantity association 3

Number - quantity association 3