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Clasele 5-8 Fişe şi materiale de lucru

Composition of sentences or texts based on an image or on a given topic

Composition of sentences or texts based on an image or on a given topic

Preșcolari Fişe şi materiale de lucru

Colors, shapes and size notions

Colors, shapes and size notions

Clasele 1-2 Fişe şi materiale de lucru

Colors, shapes and size notions 2

Colors, shapes and size notions 2

Clasele 1-2 Fişe şi materiale de lucru

Colors, shapes and taste notions 3

Colors, shapes and taste notions 3

Clasele 3-4 Fişe şi materiale de lucru

"Colors, shapes and taste notions 4"

"Colors, shapes and taste notions 4"

Clasele 1-2 Fişe şi materiale de lucru

Fine motricity activities 13

Fine motricity activities - connect the dots; coloring

Preșcolari Fişe şi materiale de lucru

Coloring with given instructions

Coloring with given instructions

Clasele 1-2 Fişe şi materiale de lucru

Fine motricity activities 14

Fine motricity activities - connect the dots; coloring