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Spatial positions - on - under
Establishing spatial relationships; Location objects in space; Spatial orientation; Verbally expressing the notions of spatiality
Spatial positions - up - down 1
Establishing spatial relationships; Location objects in space; Spatial orientation; Verbally expressing the notions of spatiality
Spatial positions - up - down 2
Establishing spatial relationships; Location objects in space; Spatial orientation; Verbally expressing the notions of spatiality
Spatial positions - up - down 3
Establishing spatial relationships; Location objects in space; Spatial orientation; Verbally expressing the notions of spatiality
Spatial positions - inside - outside
Establishing spatial relationships; Location objects in space; Spatial orientation; Verbally expressing the notions of spatiality
Attributes - long - short 1
Comparing objects based on length; Verbally expressing the notions of spatiality
Cifra 3 - Elemente de matematică
O prezentare realizată în power point referitoare la achiziționarea de cunoștiințe a cifrei 3.
Reguli la o ANIVERSARE
Activitate în care elevii învață despre reguli la o aniversare. Cum se oferă florile, se realizează modele de felicitări, despre cadoul ce trebuie primit cu drag și mulțumit pentru acest gest.