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Feltöltés folyamatban...

Óvodások Munkalapok és anyagok

Attributes – tall – short 4

"Comparison of objects by height criterion Verbal expression of spatial notions"

Óvodások Munkalapok és anyagok

More, less

"Comparing crowds Operating with mathematical concepts - 'more or less'"

Munkalapok és anyagok


"Recognising different geometric shapes Comparing different geometric shapes, highlighting their similarities and differences Construction of geometric figures"

Óvodások Munkalapok és anyagok

Association of geometric shapes

"Recognising different geometric shapes Comparing different geometric shapes, highlighting their similarities and differences"

Óvodások Munkalapok és anyagok

Geometric shapes - Play dough mats 1

"Recognising different geometric shapes Comparing different geometric shapes, highlighting their similarities and differences Construction of geometric figures"

Óvodások Munkalapok és anyagok

Geometric shapes - Play dough mats 2

"Recognising different geometric shapes Comparing different geometric shapes, highlighting their similarities and differences Construction of geometric figures"

Óvodások Munkalapok és anyagok

Geometric shapes - Play dough mats 3

"Recognising different geometric shapes Comparing different geometric shapes, highlighting their similarities and differences Construction of geometric figures"

Óvodások Munkalapok és anyagok

Geometric shapes - Play dough mats 4

"Recognising different geometric shapes Comparing different geometric shapes, highlighting their similarities and differences Construction of geometric figures"